Xharie Kallaverja's art name is Joi. She has started singing since was six years old. She has participated in youth concerts at cultural centers in Peshkopia with she was 14 When she was 15 years old in 2004 she took place in a competition called "Friday's fever" contucted by showman Adi Krasta and judge panel: Alfred Kacinari, Zerina Kuke, Zhani Ciko, Shpetim Saraci. This was a competition with faw stages happening arownd Albania's towns like: Elbasani, Saranda, Gjirokastra, Vlora, Fieri, Korca, Tirana, Durresi, Peshkopia, Peja, Mitrovica, Gjakova, Prizreni, Prishtina, Shkupi, Tetova e Struga. She still contiruea working with Peshkopia Orcestra "Oda Dibrane" while 18 years old. She moved to Tirana, where she started the university for Diplomacy at" Justinian University".

On 24 August 2011 she cooperation with the singer Murat Gjoniku are made a wonderful song "Big mistakes", composed by Alban Fortuna video clip by Max Production.

On April 26 2013, she made another cooperation with the singer Defri song" Love with heart" clip Max Production.

November 11 2018 she took place at" Magic song" competition with the song "As long as you love me", composed by Gent Myftaraj and lyrics by Endrit Mumajesi (Muma).

Xharie Kallaverja njihet ne art me emrin Xhoi. Kengen e ka nis qe ne moshen 6-vjecare ku ka marre pjese ne festivalet e femijeve Qendra Kulturore Peshkopi deri ne moshen 14-vjeç. Ne moshen 15-vjeçare te vitit 2004, ajo mori pjese ne "Ethet e se premtes mbrema" nje konkurim i cili udhehiqej nga Adi Krasta e perber nga nje juri si: Alfred Kacinari, Zerina Kuke, Zhani Ciko, Shpetim Saraci. Ky ishte nje konkurim e cila behej ne 4 faza dhe audiconet e kesaj show beheshin ne rrethet e Shqiperise si: Elbasani, Saranda, Gjirokastra, Vlora, Fieri, Korca, Tirana, Durresi, Peshkopia, Peja, Mitrovica, Gjakova, Prizreni, Prishtina, Shkupi, Tetova e Struga. Pas moshes 15 vjec ajo vazhdoi prape te angazhohej me eventet qe organizoheshin ne Estraden e Peshkopis si Oda Dibrane etj deri ne moshen 18-vjec. Me ardhjen e studimeve ajo u zhvendos ne Tirane ku vazhdoi studimet per diplomaci Bachelorin ne Universitetin "Justiniani" me pas kreu masterin Juridik ne Universitetin UET.

Me 4 Gusht te 2011 ajo u be pjese e nje bashkepunimi me kengetarin e mirnjohur Murat Gjonikun me kengen me titull "Shume Gabova" e kompozuar dhe orkestruar nga Alban Fortuna video e realizuar nga Max Production.

Me 26 Prill te 2013 ajo u be pjese serish e nje bashkepunimi tjeter me kengetarin Defri me kengen me titull "Dashuro me Zemer", video e realizuar nga Max Production.

Me 11 Nentor te 2018, ajo merr pjese ne kompeticionin "Kenga Magjike" me kengen "Aq Sa Me Do", e kompozuar dhe orkestruar nga Gent Myftaraj me tekst te Endrit Mumajesit (Muma).
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