Ledi Vokshi u largua drejt New Yorkut ne moshen 11 vjeçare nga qyteti i Durrësit. Bashkejeton me ish-futbollisti i Teutës, Tiku Sulo, i cili e mbështet shumë në punën që bën si këngatëre. Jane njohur ne plazhin e Durresit dhe me pas nuk jane ndare me. Ajo thote "Jam me fat, pasi është shumë e rëndësishme për një artist që partneri ta kuptojë, përndryshe të duhet të zgjedhësh mes tyre." Ajo thote se ka kembengulur tek babai i saj, i cili eshte piktor, qe ti pikturonte shqiponjen ne kurriz sepse eshte krenare qe eshte Shqiptare. Nuk i pelqen ta fshehi kurre origjinen e vet dhe nuk i pelqejne as ata qe bejne nje gje te tille.

Ledi’s family moved to Long Island, New York in 1995, when she was almost 12years old.Sience she was a child she has wanted to become a performer. Ledi would always get groundedfrom her mom because instead of helping clean the house she would even make a bigger mass by dancing around it and dancing to Whitney Houston and Michale Jackson. Performin was Ledi’s moms dream Mrs.Kimete (Kabashi) Vokshi and alwasy wanted her daugheter to fullfill it for her. She got involved in school chours, dance, acting classes, Cheerleading, Private lessons, Long Island Conservetory etc.In 2004 Ledi started getting involved in the Albanian community in New York. Starting with Miss Shqiperia ne Bote 2004, Miss Shqiperia ne Amerike 2005. Beein part of Radio Ateda and radio dashuria opend a lot of doors for her. 2005 Ledi featured on Vagabondis remix of Goca si ty Durresi ka plot “Cuna si ty Durresi ka plot”, This song was a hit in Albania with out a video klip

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