Kristian Lleshi ka lindur më 20 mars 1997 në Lezhë, Shqipëri. Ka studiuar Edukim Fizik dhe Sport në Universitetin Luigj Gurakuqi, Shkodër, Shqipëri. Luajti si futbollist profesionist për KS Besëlidhja dhe KF Adriatiku deri në moshën 21 vjeçare, ku pësoi dëmtime të rënda dhe iu desh të ndërpriste karrierën e tij sportive. Më pas ai u fokusua menjëherë te pasioni i tij për muzikën.

Kristian Lleshi was born in March 20, 1997 in Lezhë , Albania. He studied Physical Education and Sports at Luigj Gurakuqi University , Shkodër, Albania. He played as a Professional Football (Soccer) player for KS Besëlidhja and KF Adriatiku until the age of 21 where he suffered major injuries and had to stop his sports career. He then immediately focused on his passion for music.nal Football (Soccer) player for KS Besëlidhja and KF Adriatiku until the age of 21 where he suffered major injuries and had to stop his sports career. He then immediately focused on his passion for music.

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